Learn about a notice telling property owners to repair water pipes because a leak was detected.
Report being charged a fee to apply for housing sponsored by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
Learn about the City and State agency charges, fees, and fines that appear on your property tax bill.
Learn about a program to fix maintenance problems in distressed multiple dwellings.
Report animal odor from a residence.
Report a maintenance problem in an apartment, public area, or entire building of a privately-owned residential rental building.
Learn about the rules for commercial and residential barbecuing, find a place to barbecue in a park, or report barbecuing where it is not allowed.
Learn about a program that lets homeowners in East New York and Cypress Hills renovate and rent out basement or cellar apartments legally.
Learn about filing Bedbug Annual Report for Property Owners.
Report bed bugs.
Learn about preventing and getting rid of bed bugs safely, including how to comply with a NYC Health Commissioner's Order.
Make a complaint about bees or wasps.
Request that the City install a bike rack on public property or request a permit to install a rack on private property.
Report a vehicle that is blocking your driveway.
Get the Borough Block Lot (BBL) or parcel number for a specific address.
Learn about broadcast television channel rescan.
Learn about damaged sewer service line repair.
Report building construction work in progress that is unsafe, done without a permit, after hours, or outside approved plans.
Learn about annual building parapet observations and requirements.
Report a problem with a cable TV, phone, or internet provider.
Learn about legislation regarding the use of cannabis (marijuana) for adults in New York State.
Call 911 to report carbon monoxide emission or poisoning. Learn about carbon monoxide detector requirements.
Find a certified asbestos investigator.
Report an unusable (derelict) chained bike or a bike chained to a tree on the street or in a park.
Report chemical odors or chemicals that are abandoned or not stored safely.
Report a spill of chemicals or other hazardous material onto a roadway, sidewalk, or indoors.
Report that child proof stove knob covers are not provided to a tenant.
Learn about hearings for violations of quality of life laws, health code, or other City rules.
Pay a summons for violations of quality of life laws, health code, or other City rules.
Pay New York City bills and fees online.
Learn about the New York State Clean Energy Systems property tax exemption.
Apply for property tax benefits for members of the clergy.
Report a commercial vehicle parked in a residential driveway or lot.
Apply for or renew an abatement to reduce property taxes for co-op and condo units.
Report a problem with a co-op or condo sponsor.
Apply for property tax benefits for people who have a disability because of a crime.
Report a curb that is damaged, painted, or illegally cut for a driveway.
Learn how to dispose of dead pets or wildlife on your property.
Report a dead animal in a public place, including sidewalks, highways, and parks.
Request the removal of a standing dead or dying tree.
Small business and property owners, building managers, tenants and more can ask DOB questions about renovations, violations, permits, etc.
Find places to pay parking tickets, camera violations, and property taxes and get related services.
Attend an event to apply for or renew Rent Freeze and property tax benefits or get help with property tax value and the lien sale.
Request or download Department of Sanitation materials, including decals for recycling and compost bins, brochures, flyers, and signs.
Apply for property tax benefits for people with disabilities.
Renew the Disabled Homeowners' Exemption.
Report cold or drinking water odor, taste, discoloration, or illness caused by drinking water. Get water quality and building water tank inspection info.
Report the sale of illegal drugs.
Report illegal drug use.
Report a smell directly outside a dry cleaning business or coming into a nearby residential building or business.
Report dust from roadwork, construction, demolition, renovation, or another source.
Report a problem with an electric company.
Request to start, stop, or reconnect electric service. Get billing or meter information.
Report electric space heaters sold without required safety features or disclosures.
Learn about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for eligible low- and moderate-income households.
Learn about the City's laws against housing discrimination and get resources to resolve disputes.
Request the removal of a fallen tree or branch, cracked branches in danger of falling, or a tree in poor condition.
Learn about flood zone designations for specific properties.
Learn about how to use floor finishing products safely.
Report a problem with a gas company.
Call 911 to report a gas leak or any gas-related emergency or dangerous condition.
Learn about a notice that building owners must provide to advise tenants of procedures to follow when a gas leak is suspected.
Request to start, stop, or reconnect gas service. Get billing or meter information.
Learn about Good Cause Eviction protections for tenants of market-rate (unregulated) homes in New York City.
Learn about reducing health hazards at home.
Report a problem with heat or hot water in a residential building.
Report a problem with a heating company.
Report a home heating oil business that imposes illegal credit terms, issues an improper contract or receipt, or shortchanges the amount of oil dispensed.
Make a complaint about a home improvement contractor working on residential property.
Find out if a contractor is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Learn what kind of building construction projects and alterations require permits.
Get tips for working with home improvement contractors.
Learn how landlords, brokers, and property managers can lease vacant apartments to qualified New Yorkers receiving rental assistance.
Learn about home repair grant and loan programs.
Learn about recent laws, rules, and programs that may affect residential property.
Learn about assistance for landlords and tenants with ongoing disputes, including eviction.
HPD offers free informational classes on a variety of housing topics for tenants, homeowners, and property managers.
A notice for property owners that must be posted in all residential properties with three or more units to inform tenants of the ABCs of Housing guide.
Get rules, regulations, and the ABCs of Housing guide for owners and renters of apartments in New York City.
HPD Code Enforcement Borough Centers information by phone and in person for violations, complaints, property registrations. HPD Building Information online
Get help for property owners who rent or want to rent to Section 8 clients.
Report tenant or landlord fraud in the HPD Section 8 program.
Learn about Housing Quality Inspections for HPD Section 8.
Correct or clear a violation from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
Get help with City rental assistance programs, including apartment registration, tenant disputes, and payment issues.
Get long-term property tax relief for property damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
Learn about Hurricane Sandy Recovery programs and requirements.
Report past or chronic dumping on public property.
Learn about the In Rem Foreclosure process for property.
Make a complaint about a health, car, home, life, or property insurance company.
Report a problem with an online business or online service that wasn't delivered.
Get a kit to test drinking water for high levels of lead and tips to reduce lead exposure.
Learn about the lead law and get a copy of the Childhood Lead Prevention Act or the Annual Lead and Window Guard Notice.
Report lead paint, peeling paint, or lead dust due to construction. The City will send an inspector where applicable.
Learn about financial assistance to make lead paint repairs.
Learn about lead poisoning, lead poisoning prevention, and lead paint repair.
Learn about safe lead paint work practices for landlords and construction professionals.
Request a bumper sticker for home improvement contractors with valid licenses only.
Learn about tax liens placed on properties for unpaid property taxes, water and sewer bills, and other charges and how to avoid the lien sale.
Report bright lights from a parking lot shining into an apartment or building. The City does not accept complaints about bright lights from residences.
Learn how to store, charge, and get rid of lithium-ion batteries safely. Report someone not following guidelines or counterfeit batteries.
Make a complaint about a person who repairs, installs, services, or inspects locks and similar devices.
Get help with resolving disputes between loft tenants and owners.
Get free and confidential help to resolve a dispute.
Learn about the health effects of being exposed to mold.
Report mold in an apartment, loft, commercial, or abandoned building.
Report a problem with a mortgage or loan company.
Learn about loans for moderate or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily (3 units or larger) rental buildings.
The City does not accept complaints about body or cooking odor from a residence.
DOB's free No Penalty Safety Inspection Program for boilers has ended for 2024.
Request a free deck and porch inspection for a property owner program has ended for 2024.
DOB's free No Penalty Safety Inspection Program for facades has ended for 2024.
DOB's free No Penalty Safety Inspection Program for private elevators, dumbwaiters, platform lift, and stairway chair lifts has ended for 2024.
Request a free retaining wall inspection for a property owner program has ended for 2024.
Order a No Smoking and Electronic Cigarette Use sign.
Report no water, water pressure, or temperature problems.
Report a noisy neighbor.
Learn about how to volunteer to work on protecting, restoring and expanding New York City's green spaces.
Apply for NYCHA public housing or check application status.
Get help for current NYCHA Section 8 landlords.
Report tenant or landlord fraud in public housing or the NYCHA Section 8 program.
Learn about the NYCHA Section 8 Program.
Report an automotive, heating, or industrial oil spill on a street or in a facility, apartment building, or private home.
Appeal the denial, removal, or reduction of a property tax exemption.
Report mice, bed bugs, fleas, flies, or roaches in an apartment or in a public area of a residential building.
Learn about controlling rats, mice, and bugs and pest control training for the public and professionals.
Report someone using a pesticide without warning occupants or neighbors in advance.
Report a problem with phone service, billing, or provider.
Get a list of scheduled water main shutdowns and water disruptions.
Get information or make a complaint about United States Postal Service (USPS) products and services.
Report a power outage or blackout to a utility company. File a ConEd claim for food or medicine spoiled during a power outage.
Search for or get copies of property ownership records, such as deeds and mortgages. Get copies of tax maps.
Report deed fraud or learn how to prevent it.
Request to combine or divide a lot or to amend a condo declaration.
Learn about building management and maintenance resources for property owners, managing agents, superintendents, or contractors.
Challenge the City's assessment of your property's market value on your Notice of Property Value (NOPV).
Request a correction of the property or vacant land data on your Notice of Property Value (NOPV).
Learn about property tax exemptions, abatements, and credits for homeowners, including eligibility and types of benefit programs.
Learn about property tax bills and get copies and account information.
Get help with a property tax bill problem.
Get help with SCHE, DHE, STAR, Veterans, Clergy, and Crime Victim homeowner exemptions.
Learn about real estate tax exemptions for City, State, Federal, and foreign government-owned properties in New York City.
Pay a property tax bill.
Get help with a property tax payment problem.
Request an agreement to defer property tax and interest payments for homeowners experiencing hardship.
Request an agreement to pay property tax debt in installments.
The deadline to apply for this one-time property tax rebate was March 15, 2023.
Learn about a property's values, tax class, exemptions, and descriptions.
Appeal the assessed value, tax class, or exemption listed on your Notice of Property Value (NOPV).
Learn about rent payments for landlords who rent to public assistance clients.
Report rats, mice, and conditions that might attract them.
Learn how to file the Real Property Income and Expense Statement for income-producing properties, including utilities.
Learn about or get help filing the Real Property Transfer Tax.
Learn about materials that must be recycled and how to place them out for collection.
Get help for landlords with the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) programs.
Renew the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) or Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE).
Learn about rent increases for rent regulated or stabilized apartments and lofts.
Recorded information about rent controlled and stabilized apartments for tenants and landlords.
Get information about a temporary notice with emergency information that must be posted by building owners in the common area of the building.
Get financial and management advice, loan referrals, and other resources for residential building owners.
Learn about benefits for owners and developers who build or improve residential units or properties.
Learn about sprinkler and standpipe system testing.
Report that safe construction or Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) information is not posted or distributed to tenants.
Make a complaint about a satellite television provider.
Apply for the STAR property tax exemption or income tax credit.
Get a free and confidential security survey for a home or business.
Apply for property tax benefits for homeowners 65 and older.
Renew the Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption.
Learn about the requirements for cleaning a septic tank.
Report a sewage leak or odor in a residential or commercial building.
Learn how to clean a home after a flood or sewage overflow.
Property owners can report sewage water coming out of a toilet, sink drain, or bathtub drain.
Local Law 18 requires Short-Term Rental hosts to register with the City and Airbnb, VRBO, and other booking services to verify valid registration.
Learn about sidewalk cleaning rules and enforcement for property owners.
Request an agreement to pay in installments for sidewalk repairs made by the Department of Transportation.
Resolve a sidewalk violation, request an inspection, or learn about repairs.
Learn about smoke-free buildings and how to create a smoke-free housing policy.
Report illegal tobacco or marijuana smoking or vaping.
Learn about the residential building smoking policy disclosure law.
Learn about resources and tools for community-based organizations interested in recruiting volunteers to assist their neighbors with snow removal.
Get rent assistance information for landlords.
Learn about a program that provides rent assistance for eligible Department of Homeless Services clients.
Learn about the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) and report signs of SLF infestation.
Get help with reducing unwanted mail.
Learn about annual registration for property owners of ground floor or second floor commercial spaces.
Get help if you've been unable to resolve a tax or rent freeze issue with the Department of Finance through the normal process.
Report a building that doesn't follow trash or recycling disposal rules.
Report trash or recycling stored incorrectly on private property.
Learn how to clean up a trauma scene.
Learn how to maintain City tree beds and keep them safe.
Learn about the Neighborhood Tree Planting Program. Report a problem with the location or condition of a newly planted tree.
Learn about tree pruning or request pruning of a City tree.
Learn about City tree stump removals.
Apply for a permit to add, prune, decorate, or remove a curbside tree at the property owner's expense.
Learn about free repair for qualifying City sidewalks that are severely damaged by curbside tree roots.
Report trespassing, which is entering someone's property without permission.
Report work done by an unlicensed plumber, electrician, or contractor.
Report an individual distributing flyers or posting signs on public or private property, including vehicles and construction sites.
Learn about the invoice a lot owner gets when the Department of Sanitation cleans a lot.
Get information about vacate orders. Report people in a building with a vacate order.
Report a vehicle stored on residential property or in a vacant lot.
Report inadequate ventilation inside a building or a ventilation or exhaust system that is illegal, installed improperly, or has an odor.
Learn about or get help with Verizon telephone, internet, and cable service.
Learn about or get help with the Veterans Housing Incentive program.
Apply for or get help with the Veterans Property Tax Exemption.
Report the use of too much water or water waste in any facility.
General information about Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) water and sewer bills and accounts.
Fight a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) water or sewer charge or dispute a bill.
Pay a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) water and sewer bill.
Learn about lien sales of water and sewer debt. Get info on multi-family homeowner Water Debt Assistance Program (WDAP).
Learn about NYC Water Board water and sewer bill rate increases.
Learn how property owners can cover future costs to repair service lines.
Learn about water hardness.
Report water leaking into an apartment, public area of a residential building, or basement. Learn how to prevent leaks.
Learn about water meters and automated meter reading (AMR) devices.
Report a water meter that is broken, leaking, frozen, missing, or stolen.
Get items to help you conserve water at home.
Learn about having water service turned on or off for a residential or commercial property.
Learn about window guards and preventing window falls.
Report missing window guards or a landlord or tenant who refuses installation.