Need something else?

Residents, schools, institutions, and agencies must recycle with the Department of Sanitation in clearly labeled bins or clear bags.

You must sort your recyclables following City rules. You can get a ticket for not recycling correctly.

Recyclable items include:

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Glass, metal, rigid plastic, and beverage cartons

There is no limit to the amount of material or bags you can put out for collection.

Lining your bin with a bag can help keep the bin clean, however it is not required.

Collection Days

To look up the collection days for a specific address, visit the Trash, Recycling, and Compost Collection Schedule page.

If your normal collection day falls on a holiday, Sanitation will collect your recyclables the following week.

How to Get Rid of Specific Items

You can use the Department of Sanitation's website to find out how to properly dispose of specific items.

Place recycling out at the curb after 6 PM in a bin of 55 gallons or less with a secure lid and labeled with a recycling decal, or, if using bags, set out at the curb after 8 PM.

Please note: as of November 12, 2024, new residential waste containerization rules require single- and two-family homes, and buildings with up to 9 apartments to use bins with secure lids for non-recyclable trash set out. 

Residential buildings with 1-9 Units must:

  • Place trash out after 6 PM in a bin of 55 gallons or less with a secure lid. 

Residential buildings with 10+ Units must:

  • Place trash out after 6 PM in a bin of 55 gallons or less with a secure lid, or
  • Place trash out after 8 PM, if putting bags directly on the curb.

Bundled cardboard and bulk items can be placed out any time between 6 PM and midnight.

Appliances containing CFC must be placed out between 6 PM and midnight the evening before the scheduled CFC and Freon Removal appointment.

To ensure collection, all waste must be set out no later than midnight the night before your collection day.

Property owners of buildings with 9+ residential units and a janitorial staff may opt in to a 4 AM to 7 AM setout window during the yearly application period.

The online application is only open during the opt-in period, which runs between January 1 and January 31 each year. The application is now closed.

If you already applied and your application was:

  • Approved, your building’s alternate set-out time is in effect from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026. 
  • Not approved, you must follow the set-out times for all other residential properties.

Buildings currently enrolled in the 4 AM to 7 AM set-out window cannot set out waste at any other time. Violators are subject to enforcement penalties. After two penalties, the property will be removed from the morning opt-in program.

Learn about DSNY’s alternative setout program for multiunit buildings, including how to opt out.

Rules for Recycling Paper

Place mixed paper, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, and phone books out for recycling collection using any one of the following methods:

  • Tie with twine into bundles no taller than 18 inches
  • Place in clear, untinted plastic bags between 13 and 55 gallons
  • Place in bins 55 gallons or less with green labels on both sides and the lid.

The bag or container must weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection. Bins must be secured with a tight-fitting lid.

The City does not give away green recycling bins.

Rules for Recycling Corrugated Cardboard

Only corrugated cardboard boxes may be recycled as corrugated cardboard.

Corrugated cardboard must be flattened and tied with sturdy twine into bundles 18 inches tall or smaller. Bundles must not be placed in containers or clear bags unless broken into small pieces.

In buildings with mechanized collection, cardboard must be collapsed and placed into designated dumpsters.

Rules for Recycling Plastic

  • Rinse plastic containers, beverage cartons, and drink boxes before recycling
  • Plastic can be mixed with metal and glass recyclables, but never with paper recyclables.
  • Place plastic items in clear, untinted bags or blue-labeled recycling bins with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Clear, untinted bags must be between 13 and 55 gallons in size and weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.
  • Containers must be 55 gallons or less and have blue labels on both sides and the lid. Containers must weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.

To dispose of a plastic recycling or trash container, all receptacles should be clearly labeled as trash and put at the curb on the proper recycling collection day so that the Department of Sanitation will know that they should be collected.

Plastic Items That Can Be Recycled

  • Appliances made of plastic
  • Beverage cartons and drink boxes (juice cartons, juice boxes)
  • Bottles, cups, jars, and jugs (regardless of recycling number on container bottom)
  • Bulk plastic (crates, buckets, pails, furniture, large toys, large appliances, etc.)
  • CD and DVD cases
  • Hangers
  • Milk cartons
  • Plastic cutlery (spoons, forks, knives)
  • Plates
  • Rigid plastic caps and lids
  • Rigid plastic food containers (tupperware, yogurt, deli, hummus, dairy tubs, cookie tray inserts, "clamshell" containers, and other plastic takeout containers)
  • Rigid plastic housewares (flower pots, mixing bowls, plastic appliances, etc.)
  • Rigid plastic non-food containers
  • Rigid plastic packaging ("blisterpak" and "clamshell" consumer packaging, acetate boxes)
  • Satellite dishes
  • Telephones

Plastic Items That Can't Be Recycled

  • 3-ring binders (if separate, the metal rings can be recycled)
  • Bags, wrappers, shower curtains, and all kinds of plastic "film"
  • Balls (basketballs, bowling balls, soccer balls, footballs, yoga balls, etc.)
  • Cassettes, VHS tapes
  • CDs, DVDs, disks, vinyl records
  • Cell phones
  • Containers that held dangerous or corrosive chemicals
  • Garden hoses
  • Lighters
  • Luggage
  • Pens and markers
  • PVC pipes (must be no longer than 4 feet)
  • Rings from soda and beer cans
  • Single-serve food and drink squeezable pouches (juice pouches, baby food squeeze pouches, yogurt-to-go pouches, etc.)
  • Styrofoam/plastic foam items (foam cups, foam egg cartons, foam trays, foam packing peanuts, foam sporting equipment, etc.)
  • Tubes (toothpaste, lotion, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Umbrellas

Plastic Recycling Numbers

Some plastic products or containers show symbols with numbers inside the chasing arrows. The number symbols refer to the type of materials the item is made of.

The Department of Sanitation does not provide guidelines for disposing of an item based on its recycling number. To determine items that are acceptable for recycling, you must check the list of recyclable items. 

Trash, Recycling, or Compost Container

Throw out metal or rigid plastic trash, recycling, or compost containers with your recycling items. Put a label on the container that says "Sanitation, please take this can away" so that the Department of Sanitation knows to take it.

Rules for Recycling Metal

  • Metal can be mixed with plastic and glass recyclables, but never with paper recyclables.
  • Place metal items in clear, untinted bags or blue-labeled recycling bins with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Clear, untinted bags must be between 13 and 55 gallons in size and weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.
  • Containers must be 55 gallons or less and have blue labels on both sides and the lid. Containers must weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.

Large metal items, such as appliances, must be placed curbside next to the recycling container. For appliances containing CFC gas, a CFC and Freon Removal appointment must be made prior to disposal.

To dispose of a metal recycling or trash container, all receptacles should be clearly labeled as refuse and put at the curb on the proper recycling collection day so that the Department of Sanitation will know that they should be collected.

Metal Items That Can Be Recycled

  • Aerosol cans (empty)
  • Aluminum foil wrap and trays
  • Clean metallic car parts
  • Dried-out paint cans (metal lid may be recycled separately)
  • Faucets
  • Food cans (empty and clean)
  • Household metal (wire hangers with paper removed)
  • Irons
  • Knife blades (Blades of sharp metal knives (such as carving or chef's knives) should be wrapped in cardboard, taped, labeled "CAUTION: SHARP" and placed out with metal/glass/plastic recyclables)
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Nuts and bolts
  • Metal utensils (including forks, spoons, and knives)
  • Metal caps
  • Pots and pans
  • Satellite dish
  • Small appliances that are mostly metal

Bulky Metal Items

Large items that are all metal or mostly metal are recyclable as bulk items. If an item exceeds the listed weight, height, or amount requirements, you must hire a private carter for disposal.

For safety reasons, remove doors from large appliances (such as refrigerators, dryers, and washing machines) before setting them out.

Large items that are all metal or mostly metal and are recyclable as bulk items include:

  • Air conditioners
  • Auto parts (containing no hazardous materials or chemicals)
  • Aluminum lawn furniture with plastic webbing
  • Barbecue grills
  • Bedsprings/Metal bed frames
  • Bicycles
  • Boilers
  • Cabinets and appliances
  • Clothes dryers
  • Dishwashers
  • Furniture
  • Generators (less than 100 pounds)
  • Lawnmower (empty fuel to be used in new lawnmower or bring to SAFE disposal event)
  • Ovens
  • Pipes (no longer than 4 feet)
  • Porcelain coated metal bathtubs and sinks
  • Radiators
  • Snow blowers (less than 100 pounds)
  • Washing machines
  • Water heaters (50 gallons or less)

Metal Compressed Gas Tanks

You can put fire extinguishers and helium tanks out for collection or take them back to where you bought them.

If you put them out, first empty them and remove the head. To empty an extinguisher, spray it into a damp paper bag.

Sanitation does not collect used compressed gas tanks such as propane, oxygen, and acetylene because they can explode in the garbage truck. You must take these tanks back to where you bought them.

Trash, Recycling, or Compost Container

Throw out metal or rigid plastic trash, recycling, or compost containers with your recycling items. Put a label on the container that says "Sanitation, please take this can away" so that the Department of Sanitation knows to take it.

Rules for Recycling Glass

  • Only glass bottles and jars may be recycled as glass.
  • Rinse the glass before you recycle it.
  • Glass can be mixed with metal and plastic recyclables, but never with paper recyclables.
  • Place glass in clear, untinted bags or blue-labeled recycling bins secured with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Clear, untinted bags must be between 13 and 55 gallons in size and weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.
  • Containers must be 55 gallons or less and have blue labels on both sides and the lid. Containers must weigh no more than 60 pounds when placed out for collection.

Glass Items That Can't Be Recycled

  • Drinking glasses and glassware
  • Eyeglasses
  • Glass tables
  • Glass windows
  • Light bulbs
  • Mirrors

Broken Glass

To avoid bag punctures, broken glass should be placed into a cardboard box labeled "broken glass." The box should be sealed with tape and placed into a trash can or securely tied trash bag. Small containers of broken glass may be placed directly into a trash can or bag.

Larger, properly sealed, and labeled cardboard boxes that contain broken glass can be placed out for collection next to regular refuse containers/bags.

The broken ends of smaller single pieces of broken glass can sometimes be protected with several pages of newspaper taped around the broken end before being placed into a trash can or bag.

If you are doing a major construction or renovation project in your home, you need to get a dumpster through a private trash removal service. If you hire a contracting company, it should arrange for private disposal of debris, such as heaters, sinks, and tubs.

If you do repair work in your own one or two-family home and don't hire anyone to help, you can place up to six items (bags, bundles) curbside with your regular trash. Items must be light enough to be lifted by two people and small enough to fit in a garbage truck.

Work on income properties (on 3-family homes and larger), fee for service, and contractor material must be serviced by hiring a private carter or dumpster.

Residential property owners are responsible for making sure all waste for their building is set out correctly for collection.

Fines may be issued for each violation, and the amount may increase with each additional violation issued within a 12-month period.

Learn more about collection laws for residents.


If you set your waste out incorrectly or at the wrong time, or on the wrong days, you may be fined:

  • $50 for the first offense
  • $100 for the second offense
  • $200 for the third and subsequent offenses


If you use a bin that is broken or if waste spills out of your container, you may be fined:

  • $50 for the first offense
  • $100 for the second offense
  • $200 for the third and subsequent offenses

As of November 12, 2024, all New York City properties with 1-9 residential units must use a bin (55 gallons or less) with a secure lid for non-recyclable trash. 

The warning period ended on January 2, 2025.

After the warning period, failure to use a bin that is 55 gallons or less with a secure lid for trash set out will result in fines:

  • $50 for the first offense
  • $100 for the second offense
  • $200 for the third and subsequent offenses


If you do not separate your recyclables and composting from trash, or if you do not properly separate and set out recyclables correctly, you may receive a fine.

  • Buildings with 1 to 8 units:
    • $25 for the first offense
    • $50 for the second offense
    • $100 for the third and subsequent offenses
  •  Buildings with 9 or more units:
    • $100 for the first offense
    • $200 for the second offense
    • $300 for the third and subsequent offenses

You can't remove items, materials, or bags that other residents have placed out for pickup.

Only authorized employees or agents of the Department of Sanitation may collect them.

If your collection day falls on a holiday, there may be changes to your collection schedule. 

Make sure to always check back near the date of the holiday to confirm the exact guidelines.

2025 Sanitation Holidays

January 1 (Wednesday)New Year's Day
January 20 (Monday)Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 12 (Wednesday)Lincoln's Birthday
February 17 (Monday)Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)
May 26 (Monday)Memorial Day
June 19 (Thursday)Juneteenth
July 4 (Friday)Independence Day
September 1 (Monday)Labor Day
October 13 (Monday)Italian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
November 4 (Tuesday)Election Day
November 11 (Tuesday)Veterans Day
November 27 (Thursday)Thanksgiving
December 25 (Thursday)Christmas

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