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All stumps remaining from tree removal performed by Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) are recorded and registered. Stump removals are dependent on the availability of funding. 

Currently, there is a backlog of stumps waiting to be removed. Property owners have two options to consider if they want the City-owned stump removed:

  • Request a new tree. If the stump is less than approximately 30 inches in diameter, DPR planting contractors will remove the stump during a new tree planting process.
  • Request a Tree Work Permit and hire a contractor to remove the stump at your own expense.

Learn more about tree stump removal.

Parks will clean up all or part of a curbside tree that is damaged as a result of weather related activity or other causes.

What Happens Next

The Department of Parks and Recreation will investigate and remove the tree, if necessary.

Property owners are responsible for knowing whether a tree is on their property or on City property. Homeowners should look at their title survey to check property lines before removing a tree or conducting any tree work on or around trees in their front yard.

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