You can get information about United States Postal Service (USPS) products and services, including:

  • Post office locations
  • Postal rates and fees
  • Change of address information
  • Shipping options
  • ZIP code finder

You can also:

  • Make a complaint about USPS services or employees
  • Report a broken blue USPS mailbox

If the box is owned and maintained by the US Postal Service and is damaged/broken, contact your local Post Office.

Information and assistance is available online and by phone.


Visit the USPS website.

Contact the USPS.

Find a Post Office near you.

By Phone

  • Agency: United States Postal Service
  • Division: United States Postal Service Hotline
  • Phone Number: (800) 275-8777
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 8:30 PM; Saturday: 8 AM - 6 PM
  • Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours. Automated assistance is also available in Spanish. Additional languages are available through a staff person.

The USPS Office of the Inspector General is an independent agency of the Postal Service that investigates fraud and misconduct.

The agency only accepts reports about the following:

  • Computer Crimes
  • Contract Fraud
  • COVID-19 Stimulus Check
  • Destruction of mail by Postal employees or contractors
  • Election Ballot
  • Embezzlements and financial crimes
  • Employee Misconduct
  • Injury compensation fraud
  • Internal affairs and executive investigations
  • Kickbacks
  • Narcotics
  • Theft of items from the mail by Postal employees or contractors
  • Whistleblower reprisal

The agency cannot help you with day-to-day mail delivery and customer service issues. 

If you are having a problem with the delivery of your mail (late arrival, tracking, attempted delivery, misdelivery, etc.) or an employee/customer service issue, you should contact your local Post Office or USPS Consumer & Industry Contact Office instead of submitting a report to the Inspector General.

Report fraud or misconduct to the USPS Office of the Inspector General.

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