Need something else?

You can get an application for a tree work permit for:

  • Planting
  • Pruning
  • Decorating with lights
  • Placing tree guards
  • Removing City trees or tree stumps

The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) may issue a permit following a review process. All tree work will be completed at the owner's expense by DPR-approved private contractors.

DPR will also issue permits for private contractors to perform work on street trees.

DPR does not issue permits for work on private property trees. If you live on a landmark preservation property check with that agency before doing any work to trees on your property. 

Trees on Your Property

Property owners are responsible for knowing whether a tree is on their property or on the City's property. Homeowners should look at their title survey to check property lines before removing a tree or conducting any tree work on or around trees in their front yard.


You can get a Tree Work Permit application online or by mail.


Apply for a tree work permit.

Learn more about tree work permits.

By Mail

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) to request a copy.

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