Call 911 to report an accident in progress.
Get help for an adult age 18 or older who has mental or physical disabilities or make a complaint about the Adult Protective Services program.
Report an airline safety or scale problem.
Report drinking outside or in an unlicensed establishment or social club.
Report the sale of alcohol to a minor or an intoxicated person, or at more than half off, or to-go without food, or outside of approved hours.
Report a problem with an ambulance.
Report abuse or neglect of an animal.
Report an animal that bit a person.
Report that a fire may have been set deliberately.
Call 911 to report any type of assault.
Report a bar or club that's selling alcohol to minors, overcrowded, or open after hours.
Report a problem caused by people biking, riding motorized scooters, rollerblading, skating, or using or storing ATVs.
Report building construction work in progress that is unsafe, done without a permit, after hours, or outside approved plans.
Report past changes without DOB approval, including to a basement, room, space, apartment, or building. Report building use against occupancy or zoning.
Call 911 to report burning garbage either outdoors or in an illegal incinerator.
Call 911 to report carbon monoxide emission or poisoning. Learn about carbon monoxide detector requirements.
Report a building that has no legal Certificate of Occupancy or an illegal change in building use that violates the Certificate.
Report a problem with a charity committing fraud.
Report chemical odors or chemicals that are abandoned or not stored safely.
Report possible child abuse or neglect.
Call 911 to report child pornography.
Report dense or visible smoke from a chimney or ventilation system.
Report illegal cigarette sales, cigarette tax evasion, or a problem with a cigarette vending machine.
Report a false or fraudulent claim against the city.
Report illegal activity, assault, or suspected wrongdoing by a City employee or contractor.
Report stores or vendors that are selling counterfeit items.
Report counterfeit United States currency.
Get information about business certificates, divorce court, notary verification, and Supreme Court document maintenance.
Report a crime.
Call 911 to report criminal mischief, vandalism, or criminal activity that has damaged property.
Call 911 to report an animal causing a dangerous or hazardous condition.
Call 911 to report a situation that might cause danger to life or personal property.
Investigate a death that took place in New York City.
Report someone using false information to file for a Department of Buildings (DOB) document.
Report a security problem in a DCAS-managed building.
Report the illegal storage of dirt bikes or all-terrain vehicles (ATV).
Report discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and by members of the public.
Report a disorderly person or group creating a dangerous condition.
Report domestic violence or get counseling, support, and shelter for victims.
Report a problem with a domestic violence shelter.
Report drag racing.
Apply for an Unmanned Aircraft Permit, which is required to operate a drone within New York City. Report unpermitted or reckless drone use.
Report the sale of illegal drugs.
Report illegal drug use.
Report suspected abuse or neglect of an older adult age 60 or older.
Report a problem with an elevator or escalator.
Report someone who appears to be emotionally disturbed.
Report a problem with a fire alarm box.
Call 911 to report a fire.
Report a potential fire hazard.
Report a fire hydrant that is leaking or running, damaged, missing, misused, or damaged fender post.
Report the sale, use, storage, or transport of illegal fireworks.
Call 911 to report illegal gambling.
Call 911 to report a gas leak or any gas-related emergency or dangerous condition.
Report graffiti. Learn about what your options are when someone else reports graffiti on your building.
Register a trained guard dog or report loss, theft, or transfer of ownership.
Report the sale or possession of an illegal gun.
Call 911 to report gunfire.
Call 911 to report any type of harassment, including sexual harassment, cat calling, and voyeurism.
Call 911 to report a hate crime.
Get help for a homeless person.
Report a homeless encampment.
Report a location that is being used as a hotel, for vacation rentals, or for rentals of fewer than 30 days.
Report the use of a hoverboard, which is a motorized self-balancing scooter.
Report tenant or landlord fraud in the HPD Section 8 program.
Report the recruiting, transporting, selling, or buying of people to exploit them. Get support and social services for victims.
Report identify theft or get tips for consumers and businesses about preventing it.
Report a person selling or keeping a wild or illegal animal as a pet.
Call 911 to report an eviction that was not performed by a NYC Marshal or Sheriff.
Report individuals or businesses that target and exploit immigrants through fraudulent schemes or scams.
Report someone impersonating an IRS employee.
Report a problem with the New York City jail system, including threats to incarcerated people.
Report misconduct by a judge.
Call 911 to report a lewd act done in public or where others are forced to see it.
Learn how to store, charge, and get rid of lithium-ion batteries safely. Report someone not following guidelines or counterfeit batteries.
Report lost or found property.
Call 911 to report any type of medical or health related emergency.
Report possible Medicare fraud.
Call 911 to report someone who may be missing, abducted, or kidnapped. Check if a missing person has been found.
Report an alarm in progress or an alarm that goes off too often or for too long.
Report noise, including music, coming from a bar, club, or restaurant.
Report tenant or landlord fraud in public housing or the NYCHA Section 8 program.
Report obscene sexual material displayed at a newsstand or other public location.
Report organized crime.
Call 911 to report someone in very bad condition who needs immediate medical help.
Report panhandling.
Give feedback about a pharmacy you visited to get naloxone or general comments about access to naloxone.
Report unnecessary use of force, abuse of authority, discourtesy, or offensive language by a police officer. Report NYPD criminal activity or misconduct.
Call 911 to report someone impersonating a police officer.
Report deed fraud or learn how to prevent it.
Call 911 to report prostitution.
Report an individual or business committing welfare fraud.
Call 911 to report someone threatening a public official, building, facility, or government employee.
Report a person defecating or urinating in public.
Report an animal that may have rabies, dead or alive.
Report radioactive material that is stored improperly or creating a risk of contamination.
Call 911 to report reckless or dangerous driving in progress.
Report a store selling box cutters, etching acid, laser pointers, spray paint, tobacco products or electronic cigarettes to minors.
Report a fight or other safety issue at a public school.
Call 911 to report sexual assault.
Call 911 to report smoke or fumes.
Report a problem with an obstructed or locked exit, overcrowding, lack of exits, or lack of alarms or sprinklers.
Report Social Security fraud.
Report someone requesting money for unwanted car window washing.
Call 911 to report stolen property.
Call 911 to report a stolen vehicle. You must be the owner of the vehicle to report it as stolen.
Report a street con game, such as three card Monte.
Call 911 to report that someone is considering suicide or endangering themselves.
Call 911 to report a suspicious looking package.
Call 911 to report a suspicious looking vehicle.
Report tax evasion or fraud involving sales, payroll, cigarette, or personal income sales tax.
Report telemarketing fraud.
Report suspected terrorist activity.
Call 911 to report someone using a service without paying for it.
Report an illegal ticket sale.
Report a business that sells toy or fake guns that are not brightly colored.
Report trespassing, which is entering someone's property without permission.
Report unsafe storage of flammable or explosive material at a construction site or in a building.
Report a dangerous condition at a highway construction site.
Report a new building under construction that is unsafe.
Learn about or report the sale of pesticides or other unsafe products.
Report a building that is shaking, vibrating, leaning, unstable, or has a defective or cracked building exterior facade.
Report vandalism taking place in a park.
Report a car accident.
Call 911 to request a wellness check for someone you haven't been able to contact.
Report workers' compensation fraud.