Call 911

Call 911 to report aggressive panhandling.

Aggressive panhandling includes:

  • Asking for money in a way that makes the victim fear being hurt or having their property stolen by doing any of the following:
    • Following the victim
    • Blocking path of the victim
    • Threatening the victim
    • Touching the victim
    • Intimidating the victim
  • Asking for money within 10 feet of a bank or check cashing business while it is open for business. If an ATM located in a bank is available for use by the public, that location is considered open for business.
  • Approaching vehicles in the street to offer goods or services or asking for money by touching or blocking the car or acting in any other aggressive manner.
  • Offering to sell a MetroCard "swipe" to gain entry to the transit system, or reselling a MetroCard.

You can report non-aggressive panhandling at the following locations:

  • Parks and playgrounds
  • Residential buildings and houses
  • Streets and sidewalks
  • Stores
  • Subway stations

What Happens Next

Officers from your local police precinct will respond when they are not handling emergency situations.

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