You can report individuals or businesses that have targeted and exploited immigrants through fraudulent immigration schemes or scams.

Services are provided regardless of the immigration status of the victim or witness.


Learn about immigration fraud.

Report immigration fraud.

By Phone

  • Agency: New York State Office for New Americans
  • Division: New Americans Hotline
  • Phone Number: (800) 566-7636
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 8 PM
  • You'll hear an automated message that will ask for your language. During business hours, you'll then be connected to an agent.

In some Spanish speaking countries, the term “notario” describes an individual that has the equivalent of a law degree and is authorized to represent others before the government. In the United States, a notary public does not hold the same authority.

Immigrants should avoid consulting “notarios” for legal advice or application help, as they often make false promises about obtaining a Green Card or U.S. citizenship.

Learn more about how to avoid immigration services fraud.

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