Need something else?

You can report a fire hydrant that:

  • Is leaking or running
  • Is damaged or missing
  • Is missing a valve box cover
  • Is being misused
  • Has a damaged fender protection post
  • Is blocked by a vehicle

You can report a fire hydrant that is leaking, running, or running at full blast.

Examples of fire hydrants leaking, running, or running at full blast.

Report a fire hydrant that is:

You can report a fire hydrant that is damaged, broken, cracked, leaning, knocked over, or missing.

Report a fire hydrant that is:

You can report a fire hydrant valve box cover that is missing. The valve box is in the street near the hydrant.

You must have a permit to open a hydrant and use the water for any reason. You can get a ticket for using a hydrant without a permit.

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) installs and maintains fire hydrant fender protection posts based on the type of hydrant and its location.

A fire hydrant with two metal protection posts in front of the the hydrant.

You can report a fender that is:

  • Damaged
  • Cracked
  • Broken
  • Leaning
  • Knocked over

You can report a non-emergency vehicle or motorcycle blocking a fire hydrant. 

It is illegal to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

If possible, include in your report the vehicle's:

  • Color
  • Make
  • Model
  • License plate number

What Happens Next

Officers from your local police precinct will respond when they are not handling emergency situations.

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