Learn about adult day care services for mentally or physically impaired seniors.
Learn about resources for living with Alzheimer's Disease, including long-term care and living arrangements. Get support for caregivers.
Report a problem with an assisted living facility or adult home.
Download a brochure about resources and services for people age 60 and older.
Learn about support groups for people age 60 and older who are mourning the death of a friend or family member.
Learn about a volunteer-based program that helps seniors write out checks, pay their bills, and balance their budgets.
Learn about programs that improve access to broadband services in underserved areas.
Get benefit and entitlement counseling for people age 60 and older, or report a problem with a case assistance or case management agency.
Learn about community services for seniors, immigrants, youth, and families.
Learn how older adults can protect themselves from financial fraud and scams.
Request a Department for the Aging speaker or participation in an event.
Learn how to take a survey that will help DFTA better understand the needs of older New Yorkers and their caregivers.
Attend an event to apply for or renew Rent Freeze and property tax benefits or get help with property tax value and the lien sale.
Report suspected abuse or neglect of an older adult age 60 or older.
Learn about a prescription drug plan for seniors age 65 and older.
Get help if you have gotten an eviction notice and learn about the Homebase program.
Learn about one-stop center where victims of domestic, intimate partner, and gender-based violence; elder abuse; or sex trafficking can get services.
Apply for free food for qualifying people age 60 and older.
Learn about a program that matches people age 60 and older with volunteers who will visit them at their homes.
Find places where group breakfast and lunch is served for people age 60 and older.
Get help with understanding Medicare, Medicaid, and comparing plan choices.
Report a heat problem in a commercial or public school building.
Get in-home care for Medicaid recipients, seniors, and others.
Report a problem with home care services.
Schedule, cancel, or report a problem with home delivery of meals for people age 60 and older.
Learn about free home repair for a low-income or moderate-income senior age 60 and older.
Learn about housing options for people age 60 and older.
Learn about employment programs for older adults.
Learn about financial assistance to make lead paint repairs.
Get a lawyer referral, free legal services, and answers to questions about the law and courts. Connect with Tenant Helpline for advice and assistance.
Learn about legal service providers that provide free legal assistance specifically for seniors.
Report from a Post Office worker of accumulated mail in a senior or disabled person's mailbox.
The City does not provide recommendations for medical alert devices.
Learn about mental health services for people age 60 and older.
Get a guide to accessible transportation services, programs, and resources for older adults and people with disabilities.
Make a complaint about social services provided in a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC).
Neighborhood Tech Help (NTH) offers free tech support at various locations Citywide.
Report a problem with a nursing home care.
Get information about choices for living at home or in a long term setting for seniors, and for children and adults with a disability.
Report a problem with an older adult center.
Find older adult centers (also known as senior centers) with programs and services for New Yorkers ages 60 and older.
Get referrals for support and services for family or friends caring for an older adult, or for older adults caring for a person of any age.
Learn about services for older adults and their caregivers.
Learn about property tax exemptions, abatements, and credits for homeowners, including eligibility and types of benefit programs.
Get help with SCRIE or DRIE, including appeals, transfers, and rent and account updates.
Apply for rental assistance for people age 62 and older living in rent-regulated apartments. Also known as SCRIE.
Renew the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) or Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE).
Apply for property tax benefits for homeowners 65 and older.
Renew the Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption.
Learn about transportation options for people age 60 and older. Make a complaint about a senior transportation provider.