Need something else?

You can find transportation services for older adults age 60 or older. Services are funded by the Department for the Aging.

You can get rides to:

  • Older Adult Centers (also known as senior centers)
  • Educational and recreational activities
  • Essential medical and social service appointments

Find transportation near you.

You can contact them by phone. If no one answers, you can leave a message with your contact information. You will get a call back.

NYC Aging accepts complaints about providers of older adult transportation providers.

This includes:

  • Policies
  • Services
  • Employees

Reduced-Fare MetroCards

For information about reduced-fare MetroCards for people who are 65 or older, visit the Buses and Subways page instead.

Market Ride is a free bus service to major supermarkets. It is available at participating Older Adult Centers.

This program is for:

  • Older adults age 60 or older
  • Members of a local Older Adult Center that participates in the program

Typically, bus service is scheduled every month. If you would like bus rides for food shopping, contact your local Older Adult Center.

Find an Older Adult Center. Call ahead to confirm that the Older Adult Center participates in this program. If no one answers, leave a message with your contact information. You will get a call back.

You can make a complaint about community-based transportation providers that:

  • Serve older adults age 60 or older
  • Receive NYC Aging funding

This includes:

  • Policies
  • Services
  • Employees

NYC Aging cannot accept complaints about services they do not fund.

This includes:

  • Ambulettes
  • Access-A-Ride
  • Car service companies
  • Taxis
  • Public buses
  • Subways

Make a complaint about ambulettes provided by Medicaid.

Make a complaint about other ambulettes.

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.

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