Learn about 3-K enrollment.
Get help for parents who are unable or unwilling to care for their baby.
Learn about an online tool to help you apply for benefits from the Human Resources Administration.
Screen for eligibility for City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs.
Get information about a Children's Services case for parents and child care professionals.
Learn about adopting a child in foster care. Request assistance after adoption. Check the status of adoption subsidy payments.
Find an after school program for an elementary, middle, or high school student. Report a problem with an after school program.
Get information, services, and support for caring for a new baby.
Find a school-based community center for children, youth, and adults.
Learn about summer camps, day camps, and overnight camps. Report a problem with a camp.
Get a free child's car seat if you can't afford one.
Report possible child abuse or neglect.
Learn about City-funded child care programs, including EarlyLearn NYC. Get referrals to licensed child care providers.
Make a complaint about a day care facility, child care provider, or after school program.
Apply for financial assistance to pay for child care, get an application status, find a child care program, or re-certify your benefits.
Learn about group child care center performance summary cards.
Learn about child safety.
Get help with eligibility, obligations, payments, enforcement, and accounts.
Learn about the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) and other Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits.
Get referrals, insurance, and other resources for chronically ill or disabled people 21 or younger.
Learn about community services for seniors, immigrants, youth, and families.
Get a free crib for your child if you can't afford one.
Learn about how to identify and reduce the spread of violence.
Learn about the Deferred Action process for undocumented immigrants who came to the United States during childhood, including free legal service referrals.
Learn about early intervention services for children under 3 with developmental delays.
Report domestic violence or get counseling, support, and shelter for victims.
Find classes for an abuser court-ordered to get counseling.
Get a pamphlet on social and emotional development for parents and caregivers of babies.
Learn about a program that helps resolve conflict between parents and adolescent children.
Learn about one-stop center where victims of domestic, intimate partner, and gender-based violence; elder abuse; or sex trafficking can get services.
Get healthy food, including baby formula, through WIC for eligible pregnant women, mothers, and young children.
Get help for a foster child with building a supportive network, leadership skills, and self-confidence.
Learn about a website with information on programs, resources, and activities for New York City children.
Learn about Head Start, which provides activities and educational programs for children ages three and four.
Learn about health and dental insurance for children under the age of 19, and services from the New York City Early Intervention Program.
Learn about the benefits of having an IDNYC card.
Get help with updating IDNYC card information or replacing a lost or damaged card.
Get information about IDNYC issues, status of an application, and their Mobile Enrollment Center.
Get information about required documents to prove identity and New York City residency when applying for IDNYC.
Learn about and apply for the New York City's IDNYC municipal identification card for people who live in one of the 5 boroughs of New York City.
Learn about services and resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) individuals, parents, and youth.
Learn how New Yorkers can easily search, apply for, and track City services and benefits.
Neighborhood Tech Help (NTH) offers free tech support at various locations Citywide.
Learn about a program that provides home visits from trained health workers to an expectant or new parent who has recently given birth.
Learn about free home visits by health professionals to newborns and their parents.
Request for a free nurse home visit or parenting education for a low-income, first-time pregnant person or teen.
Get information about choices for living at home or in a long term setting for seniors, and for children and adults with a disability.
Get free online therapy and mental health support for ages 13 to 17.
Learn about support programs and resources for parents.
Get access to low-cost DNA testing provided by a state-certified lab to determine a child’s biological parents.
Learn about programs and services for pregnant women, expectant fathers, and families.
Learn about pre-kindergarten enrollment.
Learn about sexual and reproductive justice.
Get age-specific pamphlets on social emotional development for parents and caregivers of children from ages 1 to 10 years old.
Learn about a program that rewards eligible families for completing health, education, and work- related activities.
Request educational support for students who are blind or have limited vision and students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Get free subway travel passes for non-profits and schools that provide youth services.
Get child safety materials for parents.
Get help for parents who are unable to care for a child or teenager.
Learn about programs, resources, and support for women.
Learn about programs and policies to address disparities that impact boys and men of color.
Get a copy of the "Your New Baby" brochure.
Get resources for young people, troubled youth, and their families, including Community Connect and walk-in centers.