Learn about an online tool to help you apply for benefits from the Human Resources Administration.
Screen for eligibility for City, State, and Federal health and human service benefit programs.
Learn about buying or renting an affordable apartment, the housing plan, and a housing study.
Report being charged a fee to apply for housing sponsored by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
Learn about a program that lets homeowners in East New York and Cypress Hills renovate and rent out basement or cellar apartments legally.
Learn about rental assistance for low-income families and individual adults who live in shelter or are at risk of becoming homeless.
Learn about the 2021 American Rescue Plan Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program.
Learn about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for eligible low- and moderate-income households.
Get help if you have gotten an eviction notice and learn about the Homebase program.
Get help for families with children who live in shelters, are being evicted, or have been evicted.
Learn about a program that provides supervised living for adults with mental or physical disabilities.
Get referrals to free legal counseling and housing if you are a homeowner facing foreclosure.
The New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) 2021 NYC Section 8 waitlist is closed. Applicants can check status or update contact info.
Learn about becoming a New York City homeowner.
Learn how landlords, brokers, and property managers can lease vacant apartments to qualified New Yorkers receiving rental assistance.
Get help for former HOME TBRA tenants, participants, and landlords.
Get hot meals, clothing, and social services for homeless people living on the streets.
Apply for homeless shelter intake.
Learn about housing options for people age 60 and older.
Learn about housing online resources, services, and benefits for people with disabilities.
Learn about the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Section 8 Program, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
Get help with City rental assistance programs, including apartment registration, tenant disputes, and payment issues.
Learn about residential buildings that are offered for sale to the public by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Learn about Commission on Human Rights public programs and published materials.
Learn about renting or buying an apartment in a Mitchell-Lama building.
Learn about the 2023 NYC Housing and Vacancy Survey (NYCHVS) conducted by the US Census Bureau.
Get information about choices for living at home or in a long term setting for seniors, and for children and adults with a disability.
Get housing reports from the New York City Rent Guidelines Board.
Apply for NYCHA public housing or check application status.
Learn about the NYCHA Section 8 Program.
Get help with affordable housing applications.
Learn how young people can get shelter and services through Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD). Submit a complaint or comment to DYCD.
Request social services and emergency assistance for victims of rape, incest, and sexual assault.
Get rent assistance information for landlords.
Learn about a program that provides rent assistance for eligible Department of Homeless Services clients.
Get information and help with applying for or living in supportive housing for formerly homeless or incarcerated people or youth aging out of foster care.
Get information or make a maintenance complaint about a Tenant Interim Lease Program (TIL) building.
Get help for residents in three quarter housing.