NYC Rent Guidelines Board has Housing Reports about the supply, cost, and affordability of housing in New York.

These reports are available at no charge through the NYC Rent Guidelines Board's website:

  • Housing Income and Expense Report analyzes owner reported revenues and costs of income-producing residential properties in New York City.
  • Housing Supply Report analyzes the supply and availability of housing in New York City.
  • Income and Affordability Study analyzes the affordability of housing with respect to tenant income in New York City.
  • Mortgage Survey details New York City's multifamily lending market during the most recent calendar year.
  • Price Index of Operation Costs - Housing measures the price change in goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings.
  • Changes to the Rent Stabilized Housing Stock in NYC analyzes changes by looking at both additions and subtractions to the stabilized housing stock in New York City.

Download housing reports.

You can buy hard copies and CD-ROMs of Rent Market Trends Guidelines from CityStore.

Shop for CityStore products.

  • Agency: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
  • Division: CityStore
  • Phone Number: (212) 386-0007
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM

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