Get free, confidential help with mental health or substance abuse issues, including crisis services and treatment referrals.
Get the Active Design Guide for Community Groups.
Get a poster that warns against drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Learn about the health effects of asbestos exposure.
Get information, services, and support for caring for a new baby.
Find a school-based community center for children, youth, and adults.
Get information and support for breastfeeding.
Get a Breastfeeding Is Welcome Here sign and toolkit for businesses.
Get a free poster that promotes stair use and energy conservation.
Learn about a child's developmental milestones between 2 months to 5 years old.
Get a brochure about opioids, overdose, addiction and treatment for young people and adolescents experiencing opioid use disorder/addiction.
Get a referral for clean needle access.
Learn about the Neighborhood Health Action Centers that work with community groups to address health disparities.
Get free condoms and safer sex products or report an issue with NYC-brand condoms.
Take a free class in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator.
Request a workshop on preventing teen and young adult dating violence.
Request a Department of Health speaker or participation in an event.
Get the "Depression: It's Treatable" health bulletin.
Learn about a program that teaches students about the consequences of drugs, alcohol, and violence.
Get free, confidential help with drug or alcohol addiction, such as crisis services and treatment referrals. Make a drug/alcohol rehab facility complaint.
Get bulletins, guides, and other information about healthy eating.
Get a pamphlet on social and emotional development for parents and caregivers of babies.
Request copies of health bulletins about excessive alcohol use.
Order a poster, flyer, or postcard with information about Fentanyl and overdose prevention.
Learn about getting and staying fit and find free fitness classes.
Learn about how to use floor finishing products safely.
Learn about public golf courses.
Get help for food distributors to promote healthier products.
Learn about a website with information on programs, resources, and activities for New York City children.
Get bulletins, posters, and other materials on personal and public health topics.
Learn about keeping a personal health record.
Learn about reducing health hazards at home.
Learn about blood pressure health and where to get free blood pressure testing.
Order warning signs for permitted non-tobacco hookah establishments.
Learn about horseback riding trails run by the City.
Find a public ice skating rink.
Learn about K2 and its health risks.
Get a kit to test drinking water for high levels of lead and tips to reduce lead exposure.
Learn about the Lifestyle Medicine Program.
Get a health bulletin which describes convenient ways to engage in low-cost fitness activities in New York City.
The City does not provide recommendations for medical alert devices.
Order a poster of a person with their story of using Naloxone to save someone who was overdosing.
Learn about noise and how to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.
Learn about the standards for food in New York City.
Get information and referrals for preventing opiate overdose.
Get an Opioid Overdose Prevention Poster.
Learn how to prevent tooth decay and gum disease and get tips on keep your mouth healthy.
Learn about support programs and resources for parents.
Learn about the potential health hazards of pigeon droppings and how to clean them up properly.
Get a case to carry items that can help you practice safe sex.
Learn about programs and services for pregnant women, expectant fathers, and families.
Access free health and wellness supplies in vending machines.
Get help to quit smoking or vaping.
Find a recreation center and learn about activities and programs.
Learn about a citywide program that provides young people with year-round free, exceptional sports programs on Saturday nights.
Get information about school health and wellness including medical exams and vaccine requirements.
Report a problem with health instruction, medical care, or an unhealthy condition.
Learn about the health risks of secondhand smoke.
Learn about smoke-free buildings and how to create a smoke-free housing policy.
Get age-specific pamphlets on social emotional development for parents and caregivers of children from ages 1 to 10 years old.
Apply for a permit to reserve a field or court in a park.
Learn how to cope with summer heat and conserve energy on the hottest days.
Learn about free swim programs at public pools.
Find a public swimming pool.
Get a palm card that explains what Syringe Service Programs (SSPs) are and lists the SSPs operating in New York City.
Learn about the Take Care New York health initiative.
Get child safety materials for parents.
Get health risk fact sheets and warning posters for indoor tanning establishments.
Get a toolkit on emotional health topics for teachers and staff at middle and high schools.
Apply for a permit to play on a public tennis court.
Learn about ticks, which are small bugs that bite and suck blood from people and animals.
Learn about toy safety and child injury prevention.
Learn about fountains and bottle refill stations providing quality drinking water.
Get a copy of the "Your New Baby" brochure.