Make a reservation, get travel information, or make a complaint about Amtrak trains.
Learn about the City's plan to improve bus service by adding bus lanes and busways.
Get information, report a problem, or suggest a location for a sign with real-time bus arrival information.
Get information or make a complaint about a MetroCard or bus or subway run by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
Learn about ridematching services and transportation alternatives.
Get general information about the Fair Fares NYC discount program for low-income New Yorkers.
Report a Fair Fares MetroCard that is lost, stolen, damaged, expired, or not working and learn how to get a replacement or refund.
Make a complaint about the Fair Fares NYC program or its employees.
Apply for a new film, video, or photography permit, or check the status of an existing permit.
Get information or make a complaint about the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR).
Get information or make a complaint about the Metro-North Railroad.
Apply for a permit to perform in subways, streets, parks, and ferry terminals.
Get information or make a complaint about the New Jersey Transit bus and train system.
Get information about NYC Ferry, including routes, fares, and rules. Make a complaint or report a lost item.
Learn about services for older adults and their caregivers.
Get information or make a complaint about train service between Manhattan and New Jersey.
Learn about the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the George Washington Bus Station.
Learn about or report a problem with the Roosevelt Island Tramway.
Report a problem with a yellow school bus or bus driver.
Learn about school transportation or report if a child missed a school bus.
Learn about Second Avenue Subway construction. You can also make a complaint.
Get information or make a complaint about the Staten Island Railway.
Get free subway travel passes for non-profits and schools that provide youth services.
Learn how to pay or dispute an MTA transit ticket.
Learn about transportation options for people age 60 and older. Make a complaint about a senior transportation provider.