You can get information online and by phone about: 

  • Fares 
  • Routes
  • Schedules 
  • Stations 

You can also file a complaint or report lost or found property.


Get information or submit feedback about the Staten Island Railway.

Download the Staten Island Railway schedule.

By Phone

  • Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Division: Metropolitan Transportation Authority Customer Service
  • Phone Number: 511
  • Business Hours: Daily: 6 AM - 10 PM
  • Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours. Call volume is often high. If you don't get through, call back later.

The current fares are: 

  • Subways, local buses, and Staten Island Railway: $2.90 (Reduced Fare: $1.45)
  • Single ride (only sold at subway vending machines): $3.25
  • Unlimited 7-day MetroCard: $34 (Reduced Fare: $17)
  • Unlimited 30-day MetroCard: $132 (Reduced Fare: $66)
  • Express bus: $7 (Reduced Fare, during off-peak hours only, will remain at $3.25)
  • Paratransit and Access-A-Ride: $2.90

Learn more MTA fare increases.

One Metro New York (OMNY)

OMNY is MTA’s new contactless fare payment system that will eventually replace the MetroCard. With OMNY, you can use your own contactless card or smart device to pay your fare. 

This new system is being rolled out in phases. All bus routes, subway stations, and Staten Island Railway locations are now equipped with OMNY. 

OMNY currently supports a full-fare, pay-per-ride option for now, including free transfers. Additional fare options will be available during future phases of the rollout, including reduced fares, student fares, special programs, and more.  Until then, you can keep using your MetroCard.

Learn more about OMNY.

OMNY Fare Capping

The fare capping program is available for full-fare and Reduced-Fare OMNY trips on New York City subways and local, limited, and Select Bus Service buses. With this program, you will always pay the lowest fare each week if you use OMNY, no matter how many trips you take. You will not have to pay upfront for an unlimited 7-Day MetroCard. 

The program would apply only to trips taken using the OMNY contactless fare payment system. You must use the same contactless bank card, smart device, or OMNY card for each trip.

If you paid $34 in fares (or $17 if you are a Reduced-Fare customer), you will automatically receive free, unlimited rides for the rest of the week. The seven-day period begins with your first tap and resets every seven days.

Express buses, group trips, and transfers do not count toward the weekly cap.

Learn more about OMNY fare capping.

Further Assistance

You can get more information and assistance with OMNY by phone.

  • Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Division: OMNY Customer Service
  • Phone Number: (877) 789-6669
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 8 PM; Saturday - Sunday: 8 AM - 5 PM

Report Lost Property

If you think you lost an item on a train or in a subway station, talk to an MTA representative in the station booth closest to where you lost your property. If it was turned in, it will be at the booth until it is moved to the NYC Transit Lost Property Unit.

If you lost an item on a bus, call 511 to see if your property is at the bus depot. Articles lost on a bus or turned in to a Bus Operator are delivered to that bus or driver's bus depot. Your property will be held at the bus depot before it is sent to the NYC Transit Lost Property Unit.

If you don’t find it, file a claim with the Lost Property Unit as soon as possible.


Contact the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

File a claim for your lost item.

Visit the MTA's lost and found website.

By Phone

  • Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Division: Metropolitan Transportation Authority Customer Service
  • Phone Number: 511
  • Business Hours: Daily: 6 AM - 10 PM
  • Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours. Call volume is often high. If you don't get through, call back later.

In Person

The Lost Property Unit is in Manhattan at the 34th Street Penn Station subway stop on the lower mezzanine. You must schedule an appointment to go in person. Appointment is only available if you were contacted to pick up your item.

You must show a driver’s license, automobile registration card, job ID, passport, or another form of valid identification to claim your property.

Report Found Property

Found in a Train or Station

Take smaller items, such as wallets, tablets or cellphones to the nearest subway station booth agent. For security reasons, agents cannot open the booth door.

Call 511 to arrange to drop off larger items at NYCT Lost & Found. 

Found on a Bus

Items found on a bus should be turned in to the bus operator.

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