Child Care Provider Payment

Get help with child care payments for child care providers under contract with ACS.

City Contract Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance

Get help with EEO compliance (E.O. 50) forms. Report discrimination or illegal denial of benefits or fair wages by a City contractor.

Department of Consumer and Worker Protection License Replacement

Replace a DCWP license that is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Online Licensing

Get help using the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) online services.


Learn about the rules for commercial and residential barbecuing, find a place to barbecue in a park, or report barbecuing where it is not allowed.

Calorie Posting

Learn about calorie posting requirements information for restaurants and mobile vendors. Report failed to display calorie information.

Commercial Cyclists

Learn about commercial cycling requirements and safety regulations. Report a business that is not complying with commercial cycling rules.

Fair Workweek Law

Learn about the law that protects fast food, retail, and utility safety workers.

Food Delivery App Complaint

Make a complaint about a food delivery app.

Freelance Worker and Hiring Party Assistance

Get help for freelance workers and those who employ them.

Identity Theft

Report identify theft or get tips for consumers and businesses about preventing it.

MyCity Business

Get online help for starting and operating a business in New York City.

Paid Care Worker or Employer Assistance

Get help for paid care workers and their employers.

Paid Safe and Sick Leave

Learn about the Paid Safe and Sick Leave Law. Report an employer violating the law.

Salary Transparency Law

Learn about the Salary Transparency Law.

Taxpayer Advocate

Get help if you've been unable to resolve a tax or rent freeze issue with the Department of Finance through the normal process.

Temporary Work Schedule Change

Get help for workers or employers with questions about temporary schedule change requirements.

Trans Fat

Learn about trans fat rules for restaurants and other food service establishments, or report an establishment using trans fat.