Report a pet that has been abandoned by its owner.
Report abuse or neglect of an animal.
Report an animal that bit a person.
Report an unsanitary or unpermitted animal shelter, kennel, groomer, horse stable, boarding facility, petting zoo, or other animal facility.
Report animal odor from a residence.
Call 911 to report an animal causing a dangerous or hazardous condition.
Learn how to dispose of dead pets or wildlife on your property.
Report a dead animal in a public place, including sidewalks, highways, and parks.
Apply for, renew, update, or replace a dog license.
Report dog or animal waste in a park or on a street, sidewalk, or private property.
Register a trained guard dog or report loss, theft, or transfer of ownership.
Report a person selling or keeping a wild or illegal animal as a pet.
Get help for an injured or sick animal.
Get help for an owner whose pet is lost or has been seized by the police or the Animal Care Centers.
Report a problem with a pet store.
Report unsanitary conditions caused by pigeons.
Report an animal that may have rabies, dead or alive.
Report a stray or abandoned animal.
Report a dog that is not leashed in a park or other public place.