Need something else?

You can make a complaint about a pet store for not following City and State rules. As of December 15, 2024, it is illegal to sell dogs and cats at retail pet stores in New York State.

You can report any pet store for:

  • Selling rabbits, guinea pigs, dogs, or cats
  • Operating without a permit
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Not providing appropriate care of animals
  • Selling animals that are illegal in New York City, including turtles with shells less than 4 inches long
  • Operating without an animal handling certificate

Learn about rules for pet stores.

Pet dealers in New York State are required by law to guarantee the good health of the pets they sell. 

You can report any type of business selling animals that are unfit for purchase because they are ill, have hereditary deformities, or have diseases.


Report a business selling sick or deformed animals.

By Phone

  • Agency: New York State Attorney General
  • Division: New York State Attorney General Local Office
  • Phone Number: (212) 416-8000
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

You can make a complaint about a pet store for consumer protection violations, including:

  • False or misleading advertising
  • Cash payment refusal
  • Credit card limits not posted
  • Refund, return, or exchange refusal
  • Overcharge
  • Price not posted or inaccurate
  • No receipt or receipt that is inaccurate or incomplete

What Happens Next

If you don't include your address or email with your Service Request, you won't receive follow up. The Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) will consider your complaint a tip.

If you include your address, DCWP will mail you a complaint form. You must complete and return it to DCWP. If you provide your email address, you'll get the form by email instead. Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.

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