Check the current status of City flags. Find out if City flags are at half-staff and why.
Report personal injury or property damage against the City or a City contractor including damage to a vehicle from a pothole.
Learn about tax filing for New York City employees who reside outside the City.
Learn about a program that helps city agencies pilot new and emerging technologies by partnering them with applicant companies and academic groups.
Learn about employment verification for past and current New York City government employees.
Give money to benefit New York City or City-supported emergency relief causes.
Make a complaint that a City Agency did not provide translation or interpretation services or make a request for additional language services.
Learn about New York City planning and zoning. Get City Planning publications, including maps and books.
Buy or get permission to use high-quality photos of classic images of New York City.
Learn how to submit proof of compliance and certificates of correction for OATH/ECB violations issued by the Department of Buildings (DOB).