New York State's Weatherization Assistance Program (NYSWAP) helps homeowners:

  • Reduce heating and cooling costs through energy-conservation measures
  • Improve health and safety standards in their homes

NYSWAP is a New York State's Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) program.

New York City homeowners can get assistance if they meet income requirements.
(Individual Renters in NYC's five boroughs are not able to apply.)

Services are available to homeowners, with priority for:

  • Seniors
  • Families with children
  • People with disabilities

An on-site energy audit determines the services provided.


Households with incomes at or below 60% of state median income are eligible for assistance.  

Households are automatically eligible for NYSWAP services if they receive:

  • Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) benefits OR
  • Certain other forms of public assistance

Who Can Apply

Homeowners and rental property owners can apply.

The program assists with:

  • Privately owned single-family houses
  • Multi-family buildings

Apply with a local provider.

More Information

Local NYSWAP providers can give more information to:

  • Homeowners
  • Affordable housing developers
  • Property managers
  • Other housing and community development agencies

Find out more about NYS WAP.

View current income thresholds.

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