MEND NYC is a free mediation service dedicated to resolving quality of life disputes between restaurants, bars, and nightlife establishments and their neighbors through direct communication and compromise.

The Office of Nightlife has collaborated with the Center for Creative Conflict Resolution (CCCR) at the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH), who will be administering MEND NYC. The mediations are conducted by experienced, neutral third parties to help New York City residents and hospitality businesses negotiate immediate and lasting understanding in order to find common ground and coexist as neighbors.

To send a request for mediation regarding an ongoing quality of life issue, email

Learn more about MEND NYC.

The following types of conflict do not qualify for MEND NYC mediation:

  • If the conflict is between two residents, such as neighbors in the same apartment building
  • If the parties are already engaged in an adversarial or formal litigation process
  • If the landlord and commercial tenant are already in litigation or court process
  • If a small business is looking for a review of their commercial lease or seeking other types of legal assistance

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