Call 911
Call 911 to report harassment, including sexual harassment, stalking, voyeurism and cat calling (which includes whistling, shouting, or making comments of a sexual nature to an individual passing by).

As part of the Stop Sexual Harassment Act (SSHA) and Local Law 96, employers with 15 or more employees are required to conduct an annual anti-sexual harassment training session.

Employers will have the option of using the training resources that the NYC Commission on Human Rights develops and publishes on their website.

Employers may also develop and use their own training sessions as long as it includes the following elements:

  • An explanation of sexual harassment as a form of unlawful discrimination
  • A statement that sexual harassment is also a form of unlawful discrimination under state and federal law
  • A description of what sexual harassment is including examples of sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Any internal complaint process available to employees through their employer to address sexual harassment claims
  • The complaint process available through the Commission, the New York State Division of Human Rights, and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission including contact information
  • Information stating that retaliation is prohibited
  • Information concerning bystander intervention including but not limited to any resources that explain how to engage in bystander intervention
  • The specific responsibilities of supervisory and managerial employees in the prevention of sexual harassment and retaliation and measures that such employees may take to appropriately address sexual harassment complaints

Employers will have to keep a record of all training sessions including an acknowledgment form signed by employees. Records may be kept electronically.

For more information about the SSHA and Local Law 96.

Under the regulations of Local Law 95 of 2018, all employers are required to display anti-sexual harassment rights and responsibilities posters in both English and Spanish. These posters must be clearly visible.

Employers must also distribute a fact sheet to individual employees at the time of hire which may be included in an employee handbook.

Download the "Stop Sexual Harassment Act" fact sheet and posters.

If you are taking the anti-sexual harassment training on a desktop computer or laptop on CCHR's website, you will be able to print or save the certificate to your computer. 

At the end of the training, you must click the “SAVE” button first in order to generate your certificate of completion. If you don’t save it first and are unable to print your certificate as a result, you will have to retake the course that CCHR is offering on their site.

If you are taking the training on a mobile device, you can use the device’s capabilities to take a screenshot, save, or email the certificate of completion.

CCHR does not keep any records of who completes the training. If a certificate is lost, the CCHR cannot retrieve a past certificate. If an employee misspells their name or generates a certificate without a name, the certificate will reflect that.

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