By law, pedicab drivers must use a timer to determine the price per minute per ride. You cannot use a cell phone as a timer.

Timers must:

  • Comply with the current version of Handbook 44 and Special Publication 960-12 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Be inspected and sealed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)

You can schedule the inspection of a timer that is not sealed yet with DCWP.

After an inspection, DCWP:

  • Puts a registration plate on the pedicab to show it passed inspection and is legal to operate
  • Puts a seal on the timer to show it passed inspection

The fee is $10 per timer inspection.


Get information for pedicab businesses and drivers.

Schedule the inspection of a timer by emailing

By Phone

  • Agency: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
  • Division: Enforcement Hotline
  • Phone Number: (212) 487-4174
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

By law, pedicab drivers must:

  • Post a sign on both exterior sides of pedicab with the price per minute per ride and additional information.
  • Post a sign on rear of bicycle seat with the price per minute per ride.
  • Distribute to all passengers a Pedicab Information Card, which includes important information and serves as a receipt.

Get sign templates for pedicabs and the Pedicab Information Card.

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