If you are a former incarcerated person, you can get help finding a job, housing, health care, and other services from community-based organizations.

Jail release programs such as Jails to Jobs and the Community Re-Entry Assistance Network (CRAN) provide services and support to recently released incarcerated people in multiple areas:

  • Case management
  • Help accessing social service benefits, like SNAP and Medicaid
  • Employment assistance, including short-term paid employment
  • Education and job training
  • Housing
  • Mental, behavioral, and physical health care
  • Help for people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS
  • Substance use treatment
  • Family support and reunification
  • Legal assistance

Programs may have different eligibility and intake requirements. Some groups will only accept clients who have a recommendation from their parole or probation officer.

Additional Referrals

You can get more information and referrals through:

The College Initiative program helps former incarcerated people enroll in and graduate from college. The program is run by the Prisoner Reentry Institute (PRI) at CUNY John Jay College.

You need a high school diploma or equivalency to participate. You can get more information about the program.


Learn more about the College Initiative program.

Contact the Prison Reentry Institute.

By Phone

  • Agency: City University of New York
  • Division: College Initiative Program Intake and Support Services Coordinator
  • Phone Number: (212) 393-6010
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

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