Gifted & Talented (G&T) programs offer accelerated instruction to eligible elementary school students in New York City.

There are two types of G&T programs:

  • K-to-5 G&T programs
    • These existing programs serve children throughout elementary school, from kindergarten through grade 5.
    • Children can enter these programs in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, or grade 3.
  • Top Performer ("Grade 3") G&T programs
    • These 32 programs––one in each NYC community school district––serve children from grade 3 to grade 5.
    • Children enter these invitation-only programs in grade 3. Top-performing grade 2 students (whose grades are in the top 10% at their school) are invited to apply. 

You can get more information about how and when to participate, as well as how G&T offers are made.

Learn more about Gifted and Talented Programs.


Current kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade families who are interested in G&T can submit an application beginning April 15, 2024. The application deadline will be May 3, 2024.

Eligibility will be based on report card grades.

Learn more about the eligibility process and apply.

You can also get assistance by email or phone.

By Email

By Phone

  • Agency: Department of Education
  • Division: Office of Student Enrollment
  • Phone Number: (718) 935-2009
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM
  • Agents are available during business hours, except on public school holidays.

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