Need something else?

You can dispose of a mattress, box spring, or futon with your regular trash. Bulk pick-up appointments are no longer offered and can't be scheduled. 

Place these items curbside between 6 PM and midnight the evening before your bulk trash collection day.

You can put out up to 6 bulk items per collection day. Visit the Trash, Recycling, and Compost Collection Schedule page to look up your collection schedule.

Before you put it out for collection, you must seal it in a plastic bag. Bags can be any color except red or orange. This rule helps prevent the spread of bed bugs.

If you don't dispose of mattresses or box springs properly, they won't be collected. You may also receive a fine.

The City does not provide mattress or box spring bags or covers. You can get them at department stores, home improvement stores, and moving supply centers.

Fines for Improper Disposal

If you don't dispose of mattresses or box springs properly, you may receive a fine of:

  • $50 for the first offense
  • $100 for the second offense
  • $200 for the third and subsequent offenses

Bed frames are considered bulk items.

Place bed frames curbside between 6 PM and midnight the night before your:

  • Recycling collection day if the frame is made of mostly plastic or metal
  • Trash collection day if the frame is made of wood

If the bed frame is in pieces, securely tie together in bundles no larger than 2 x 4 feet before placing on the curb. Bulk items placed out for collection must not be placed in the street, extend in front of another property, or impede pedestrian traffic.

If you have a large number of items, consider placing them out over several collection days.

Bed Bugs

If the bed frames are infested with bed bugs, you must put a sign on them that says they have bed bugs. This will let people know not to take the items from the trash.

If your collection day falls on a holiday, there may be changes to your collection schedule. 

Make sure to always check back near the date of the holiday to confirm the exact guidelines.

2025 Sanitation Holidays

January 1 (Wednesday)New Year's Day
January 20 (Monday)Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 12 (Wednesday)Lincoln's Birthday
February 17 (Monday)Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)
May 26 (Monday)Memorial Day
June 19 (Thursday)Juneteenth
July 4 (Friday)Independence Day
September 1 (Monday)Labor Day
October 13 (Monday)Italian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
November 4 (Tuesday)Election Day
November 11 (Tuesday)Veterans Day
November 27 (Thursday)Thanksgiving
December 25 (Thursday)Christmas

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