Need something else?

You can report a: 

  • Missing litter basket
  • Overflowing litter basket
  • Litter basket being used for household or commercial waste
  • Broken Big Belly solar trash can

You can also request a new or replacement litter basket.

You can request a replacement for a missing litter basket.

A full winter snowstorm operation is in progress. Overflowing litter basket complaints are not being taken at this time. They will be accepted again when the snow operation is complete.

Litter baskets are for pedestrians to throw away light trash. The baskets can’t be used to dispose of household or commercial waste. Businesses are required by law to dispose of waste by contracting with a private carter or by hauling their own waste to an authorized disposal site.

You can report people or businesses who are misusing litter baskets.

What You Need

Your report must include:

  • Address where the trash is coming from
  • Litter basket location
  • Name of the business if the basket is in front of a business
  • Type of materials being thrown out
  • Timeframe and days when the basket is misused

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) to report a broken or malfunctioning Bigbelly solar trash can.

Litter baskets are placed at commercial street corners along standard collection routes. You can suggest a location for the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to put a new or replacement public litter basket. 

The suggested location must be within a commercial or mixed-use (both commercial and residential) zone. DSNY does not accept requests for litter baskets in a residential area.

Your suggestion should explain why a new or replacement litter basket is needed at the location.

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