Need something else?

You can report a non-emergency vehicle illegally parked on public property. You can also report the improper use of a parking permit.

You can report non-emergency vehicles and motorcycles that are:

  • Double parked
  • Parked over 7 days in the same spot
  • Blocking a:
    • Fire hydrant
    • Crosswalk
    • Bike lane
    • Sidewalk
    • Bus stop
    • Parking space for people with disabilities
  • Commercial vehicles (including construction equipment) parked overnight on a residential street
  • Violating any other posted parking regulation

    Include in your report the vehicle's:

    • Color
    • Make
    • Model
    • License plate number

    If the specific issue is not listed as a choice in the complaint form, choose “Posted Parking Sign Violation” and describe the exact problem in your report. This includes reports of vehicles blocking a bus stop, parked in the same spot for 7 days, or parked against the flow of traffic.

    Submit a Report

    What Happens Next

    Officers from your local police precinct will respond when they are not handling emergency situations.

    Intercity buses operate scheduled, low-cost transportation options into or out of New York City.

    You can report an intercity or interstate bus that is:

    • Violating a posted parking regulation
    • Double parked
    • Parked at a bus stop for over 15 minutes
    • Blocking a crosswalk, hydrant, sidewalk, or parking space reserved for people with disabilities
    • Illegally picking up or dropping off passengers at non-permitted locations

    The following are not considered intercity buses:

    • School buses
    • Buses providing public transportation (MTA)
    • Exempt private bus operators under contract with a local government to provide public transportation

    You should include the following details in your report:

    • Bus company name
    • Color of bus
    • License plate number

    Please note: for reports of buses illegally picking up or dropping off passengers, choose "Unauthorized Bus Layover" in the request form.

    What Happens Next

    Officers from your local police precinct will respond when they are not handling emergency situations.

    If a booted vehicle is blocking your driveway, double parked and blocking you in, or parked illegally, you can report the vehicle. First, you should look at the boot. If the boot has a keypad, it is a sheriff/marshal boot. If the boot doesn’t have a keypad it is an NYPD boot.

    If it’s a sheriff/marshal boot, call DOF’s Booting Program to request that the vehicle be towed or ask about the status of a tow truck if one has already been dispatched. Most tows are completed in 1 to 2 hours. When reporting a booted vehicle to DOF, you will need to provide the vehicle plate number, description, and location.

    If the boot doesn’t have a keypad you should contact the NYPD to request that the vehicle be towed.

    To learn more about booted vehicles, including how to make a report, go to the Booted Vehicle page.

    Parking and traffic rules are listed in "The New York City Traffic Rules and Regulations," which is Chapter 4 of Title 34 of the "Rules of the City of New York." Detailed information about all parking regulations is available online.

    Learn about New York City parking regulations.

    The following is a partial list of parking rules and regulations:

    Double Parking

    It is illegal to double park passenger vehicles at all times, including when street cleaning is occurring, regardless of location, purpose or duration.

    An occupied illegally parked vehicle causes the same safety hazard and congestion as an unoccupied vehicle. Commercial vehicles may double park to make quick pick-ups, deliveries, or service calls during posted hours only.

    More details are in the City's NYC Traffic Rules in Chapter 4, Section 4-08, subdivision (f), paragraph (1) of the Rules of the City of New York.

    Parking by a Fire Hydrant

    It is illegal to park within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant. The painted curbs at hydrant locations do not show where a vehicle can park.

    Parking by a Standpipe

    A standpipe is the two-headed pipe in front of every mid-rise and high-rise building in New York City. It is often red, but could be another color. Standpipes are not considered hydrants. You can park in front of a standpipe.

    Parking in the Same Spot for Over Seven Days

    Unless a posted sign says otherwise, you may not leave a vehicle parked in the same spot for more than seven days in a row. This rule includes spots in all types of neighborhoods, including residential areas.

    Commercial Vehicle Street Storage

    Unless posted signs say otherwise, commercial vehicles may not be parked on any street for more than 3 hours.

    Commercial Vehicle Overnight Parking

    Commercial vehicles may not park on a residential street between 9 PM and 5 AM.

    Definition of a Commercial Vehicle or Truck

    The City's definition of commercial vehicles and trucks determines how you can park and operate your vehicle on City roadways. Yellow taxis and vehicles with TLC plates are not considered commercial vehicles.

    New York City Traffic Rules define trucks and commercial vehicles as:

    • Truck: any vehicle or combination of vehicles designed for the transportation of property that has 2 axles and 6 tires, or 3 or more axles. At least one of the vehicles has commercial plates.
    • Commercial Vehicle: any vehicle with commercial plates that has been permanently altered to facilitate the transportation of property, and that has the registrant's name on the door or side panels.

    School Bus Parking

    A school bus is not considered a commercial vehicle. According to the City's Traffic Rules, school buses can park at any time, including overnight, at a parking spot in front of and within the building lines of a public or private school.

    Motorcycle, Motor Scooter, and Moped Parking

    When you park a motorcycle, motor scooter, or moped, you must follow the same rules that apply to other vehicles. It is illegal to park motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds on the sidewalk.

    You may park a motorcycle, motor scooter, or moped at an angle to the curb. If you park at an angle, at least one wheel must touch the curb and no portion of the vehicle may be more than 6 feet from the curb.

    RV or Motor Home Parking

    If you park an RV or motor home in a metered space, you only need to pay the front meter. Different rules apply if the RV or motor home is registered for commercial use.

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