If you already receive Section 8 assistance from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), you can get information about:

  • How to reach a case manager
  • The annual recertification process
  • The housing quality standards you must meet
  • The Section 8 program guidelines


Learn more about HPD Section 8 tenant assistance.

By Phone

  • Agency: Department of Housing Preservation and Development
  • Division: Section 8 Unit
  • Phone Number: (917) 286-4300
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

In Person

To make an appointment for in-person assistance, please call 917-286-4300 and select the "appointment" option from the menu.

HPD Client Services
100 Gold Street, Room 1-0
New York, NY 10038
(Between Spruce Street and Rose Street)
Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM

Voucher Size and Expiration

When your application for HPD Section 8 is determined to be complete, you are placed on a waiting list. Your spot on the list is determined by the date and time you completed the application. HPD will contact you by mail when it is your turn to attend a briefing on the HPD Section 8 requirements. At the end of your briefing, you will receive your voucher. HPD cannot provide waitlist status over the phone. You must notify HPD if your contact information changes. If HPD cannot reach you, your application may be denied.

The number of bedrooms that is reflected on your voucher is specific to your household size, based on HPD subsidy standards. Vouchers are good for 120 days. During that time, you may search for an apartment that you want to rent, and submit a completed landlord package to HPD.  If you are a new applicant and do not use the voucher within 120 days, the voucher expires, and your opportunity to use your rental subsidy ends. In certain documented situations, you may be able to request an extension of your voucher. You must make that request within 30 days of the expiration date of the voucher. If you do not do so, or if your request for an extension is denied, your opportunity to use the subsidy ends.

Move Request

If you're a participant in HPD Section 8 or Project Based Voucher (PBV) program (receiving rental subsidy from HPD at your current apartment), you are eligible to move or port once a year. If HPD gives you a ""move voucher,"" and you do not use it within 120 days, you must wait another year before requesting another move voucher. If you need an extension, you must request it in writing and provide any applicable supporting documentation. 

Learn more about HPD Section 8 move vouchers.

Recertification Requirements

HPD reviews family income and composition at least once a year to confirm eligibility and determine the amount of subsidy. Each year, HPD will send a recertification package to Section 8 families approximately 120 days before their annual review date. Families must complete and return the package by the date listed on the package. For mid-year changes to a household's composition, income, tenants need to complete an interim recertification.

Change in Household Income

Tenants must report changes in income at their regular annual recertification but may report them mid-year, in between recertifications, as well.

To report a change in income from employment or benefits, submit a letter to HPD from your employer with the hours or wages that are reduced or increased. If you cannot get an employer's letter, please submit two most recent paystubs. Forms and paystubs may be submitted online or by mail:

By Email

Email forms and paystubs to DTRAI@hpd.nyc.gov.

By Mail

HPD Client Services
100 Gold Street, Room 1-0
New York, NY 10038

To report unemployment, submit a letter from the employer that includes the last day worked, the date you filed for unemployment insurance benefits, or copies of unemployment insurance benefit pay stubs.

Change in Household Composition and Size

If your household size or composition changes, you must report the changes to HPD within 30 days using the Request to Add or Remove forms available on HPD's website. You must also tell your landlord if there are new people in the household. Failure to notify HPD regarding a change in your family composition may result in you being found non-compliant with your Section 8 family obligations.

Changes in household composition include:

  • A larger household due to marriage, domestic partnership, birth, or adoption
  • A smaller household because someone died or moved out

Forms may be submitted online or by mail:


Download HPD Section 8 Tenant forms.

Email forms and paystubs to DTRAI@hpd.nyc.gov.

By Mail

HPD Client Services
100 Gold Street, Room 1-0
New York, NY 10038

All other reasons must be approved in advance by HPD.

If an adult household member moves out of the apartment, you must provide proof of the member's new address, such as signed lease or utility bill. In cases of death, you may need to provide a death certificate. For additions of minors to the household, custody documentation may be required.

Appeal Denial or Termination

You can appeal most decisions to deny or end Section 8 assistance. All notices of such decisions made by HPD include instructions for requesting an appeal. Appeals are not automatic. You must request them in writing. The request for an appeal must arrive at HPD within the timeframe indicated on the notice.

You can get a lawyer or have another person represent you at the informal hearing. The City will not pay for your lawyer. Both you and HPD will be able to present evidence and witnesses.

You will receive written information about the outcome of your appeal.

Learn more about HPD Section 8 termination and appeals.

Eviction of Tenant

During the lease term, the owner may evict a Section 8 tenant due to violations of the lease. Any Eviction must be brought as Housing Court petition and ordered by a judge.

Additional information is available in the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract that the building owner signed at the initial lease-up, as well as the Tenancy Addendum attached to the tenant's executed lease.

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