Need something else?

  • Citi Bike to report a broken Citi Bike rack
  • Chained Bike to report an unusable bike chained to public property
  • Bike Rack Request to request that the City install a bike rack on public property or request a permit to install a rack on private property


New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) maintains, repairs, and replaces bike racks.

You can report the following city-owned bike rack issues:

  • Damaged, bent, or loose 
  • Missing
  • Graffiti


Privately-owned bike racks are maintained by the property owner. Broken privately-owned bicycle racks should be reported to the building manager of the building located in front of the rack.

You can find out who manages a building by using the Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS).

By law, property owners are responsible for keeping sidewalks around bike racks clean and cleared of snow.

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