
You can find out if Alternate Side Parking (ASP) is in effect or suspended on a certain day:

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Alternate Side Parking (ASP) regulations allow for street cleaning.

ASP reform signASP rules are posted on signs with a "P" crossed by a broom and indicate the days and times parking isn’t allowed.

When ASP is in effect, you can’t park on the side of the street that is being cleaned.

The rules apply for the entire time posted on the sign, even if a street sweeper has passed.

ASP rules are suspended on certain legal and religious holidays each year. On Sundays, ASP is not in effect and you don’t have to pay the parking meters.

ASP rules and sometimes parking meters may be suspended for severe weather or other emergencies. You can sign up to get email notifications of unplanned suspensions. The latest status is also available on the NYC Today Calendar.

You can also check the status of street cleaning and street cleaning parking regulations with the SweepNYC tool.

Get the 2024 ASP Suspension Calendar

You can download a pdf of the calendar or a file for calendaring software. Paper copies are available by mail.


Download the 2024 ASP Suspension Calendar.

Download the calendar in ArabicBengaliChinese (Traditional)FrenchGreekHaitian CreoleItalianKoreanPolishRussianSpanishUkrainianUrdu, or Yiddish.

Download the calendar file (ICS) for Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.

Learn how to download and import the calendar file for calendaring software.

By Mail

Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) to request a copy.

You can look up the ASP rules on street cleaning signs on specific streets by using DOT's Parking Sign Locator map.

The map also allows you to look up all other parking sign locations and regulations posted on any NYC block, including parking time limits.

Please note that the website may not reflect new or temporary changes to local parking regulations. Make sure to read posted signs carefully before parking your car.

ASP is suspended on the following holidays in 2024:

Jan 1, MonNew Year's Day*
Jan 6, SatThree Kings' Day
Jan 15, MonMartin Luther King, Jr. Day
Feb 9-Feb 10, Fri-SatLunar New Year's Eve & Lunar New Year
Feb 12, MonLincoln's Birthday
Feb 14, WedAsh Wednesday
Feb 19, MonWashington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)
Mar 24, SunPurim
Mar 28, ThursHoly Thursday
Mar 29, FriGood Friday
Apr 10-Apr 11, Wed-ThursIdul-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr)
Apr 23-Apr 24, Tue-WedPassover
Apr 29-Apr 30, Mon-TuePassover (7th and 8th Days)
May 2, ThursHoly Thursday (Orthodox)
May 3, FriGood Friday (Orthodox)
May 9, ThursSolemnity of the Ascension
May 27, MonMemorial Day*
June 12-June 13, Wed-ThursShavuot (2 Days)
June 17-June 18, Mon-TueIdul-Adha (Eid al-Adha)
June 19, WedJuneteenth
July 4, ThursIndependence Day*
Aug 13, TueTisha B'Av
Aug 15, ThursFeast of the Assumption
Sept 2, MonLabor Day*
Oct 3-Oct 4, Thurs-FriRosh Hashanah
Oct 12, SatYom Kippur
Oct 14, MonItalian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 17-Oct 18, Thurs-FriSuccoth (2 Days)
Oct 24, ThursShemini Atzereth
Oct 25, FriSimchas Torah
Nov 1, FriDiwali
Nov 1, FriAll Saints' Day
Nov 5, TuesElection Day
Nov 11, MonVeterans Day
Nov 28, ThursThanksgiving Day*
Dec 9, MonImmaculate Conception
Dec 25, WedChristmas Day*

*Indicates a major legal holiday. Stopping, standing, and parking is allowed on major legal holidays except in areas where these rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”). Parking meters are not in effect on major legal holidays.

ASP was suspended on the following holidays in 2023:

Jan 1, SunNew Year's Day*
Jan 2, MonNew Year's Day (Observed)*
Jan 6, FriThree Kings' Day
Jan 16, MonMartin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 21-Jan 22, Sat-SunLunar New Year's Eve & Lunar New Year
Feb 13, MonLincoln's Birthday (Observed)
Feb 20, MonWashington's Birthday (Presidents' Day)
Feb 22, WedAsh Wednesday
Mar 7, TuePurim
Apr 6-Apr 7, Thurs-FriPassover
Apr 6, ThursHoly Thursday
Apr 7, FriGood Friday
Apr 12-Apr 13, Wed-ThursPassover (7th and 8th Days)
Apr 13, ThursHoly Thursday (Orthodox)
Apr 14, FridayGood Friday (Orthodox)
Apr 21-Apr 23, Fri-SunIdul-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr)
May 18, ThursSolemnity of the Ascension
May 26-27, Fri-SatShavuot (2 Days)
May 29, MonMemorial Day*
June 19, MonJuneteenth
June 28-June 30, Wed-FriIdul-Adha (Eid al-Adha)
July 4, TueIndependence Day*
Aug 15, TueFeast of the Assumption
Sept 4, MonLabor Day*
Sept 16-17, Sat-SunRosh Hashanah
Sept 25, MonYom Kippur
Sept 30-Oct 1, Sat-SunSuccoth (2 Days)
Oct 7, SatShemini Atzereth
Oct 8, SunSimchas Torah
Oct 9, MonItalian Heritage Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Nov 1, WedAll Saints Day
Nov 7, TueElection Day
Nov 10, FriVeterans Day (Observed)
Nov 11, SatVeterans Day
Nov 12, SunDiwali
Nov 23, ThursThanksgiving Day*
Dec 8, FriImmaculate Conception
Dec 25, MonChristmas Day*

*Indicates a major legal holiday. Stopping, standing, and parking is allowed on major legal holidays except in areas where these rules are in effect seven days a week (for example, “No Standing Anytime”). Parking meters are not in effect on major legal holidays.

When ASP is suspended, you must still follow any other posted parking time limits and rules.

NYC311 cannot give you information on how City parking rules might apply to specific situations. You should follow the rules posted about time limits and whether it is legal or illegal to park in a specific area.

Because NYC Traffic Rules only require one sign for each block, you should check the whole block and read all signs carefully before you park.

Suspension Timing

When ASP is suspended, it applies from midnight the day before until midnight the day of the suspension.

Grace Period

You have a 5-minute grace period for ASP zones. The law gives drivers an extra 5 minutes past the time on the ASP sign. During the grace period, parking tickets cannot be issued.

No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking

In addition to ASP being suspended, on major legal holidays, you can park at a No Stopping, No Standing, or No Parking sign if the rule is not normally in effect 7 days a week (for example, No Standing Anytime). Otherwise, you can’t.

The major legal holidays are:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Double Parking

It is illegal to double park passenger vehicles at all times, including when street cleaning is occurring, regardless of location, purpose or duration. 

An occupied illegally parked vehicle causes the same safety hazard and congestion as an unoccupied vehicle. While on some streets it may be common practice to double park during street cleaning, double parking is still illegal and you may get a ticket.

Commercial vehicles may double park to make quick pick-ups, deliveries or service calls during posted hours only.

For more details, review NYC Traffic Rules in Chapter 4, Section 4-08, subdivision (f), paragraph (1) of the Rules of the City of New York.

You can contact the police precinct for questions about enforcement. To find a precinct, go to the Police Precincts and PSAs page.

Open Streets

When ASP is in effect on Open Streets, vehicles should leave the street and may return after ASP is over. If barriers are in place, they should be set up in a way that cars can drive around them. While driving in and out of the street, please watch for pedestrians and travel at 5 MPH.

Other Parking Rules and Regulations

Visit the Parking Signs and Rules page to learn about all other parking regulations.

You can contact your local Community Board to request:

  • Changes to an alternate side parking sign or regulation
  • Street cleaning on a new block

Community Boards will conduct a public hearing, then vote on any recommendation to Sanitation regarding alternate side parking regulations.

For a community board directory, or to search by address, go to the Community Boards page.

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