{ "totalcount": "3", "date" : "12/22/2024 9:59:01 PM", "results": [ { "Calendarid" : "663891c5-4a90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "CalendarName" : "Alternate Side Parking", "CalendarType" : { "Id" : "b42ddb6b-4a90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "Name" : "Alternate Side Parking" }, "IconUrl" : "https://www1.nyc.gov/portal/apps/311_images/ico-parking.png", "SaturdayContentFormat" : "Alternate side parking and meters are in effect.", "SaturdayRecordName" : "IN EFFECT", "SundayContentFormat" : "Alternate side parking and meters are not in effect on Sundays.", "SundayRecordName" : "NOT IN EFFECT", "WeekDayContentFormat" : "Alternate side parking and meters are in effect.", "WeekDayRecordName" : "IN EFFECT", "CalendarTypeRecordName" : "Alternate Side Parking", "CalendarDetailName" : "", "CalendarDetailMessage" : "", "CalendarDetailStatus" : "" }, { "Calendarid" : "e0122d57-4b90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "CalendarName" : "Collections", "CalendarType" : { "Id" : "3c1385e5-4a90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "Name" : "Collections" }, "IconUrl" : "https://www1.nyc.gov/portal/apps/311_images/ico-trash.png", "SaturdayContentFormat" : "Trash, recycling, and compost collections are on schedule.", "SaturdayRecordName" : "ON SCHEDULE", "SundayContentFormat" : "Trash, recycling, and compost collections are not in effect on Sundays.", "SundayRecordName" : "NOT IN EFFECT", "WeekDayContentFormat" : "Trash, recycling, and compost collections are on schedule.", "WeekDayRecordName" : "ON SCHEDULE", "CalendarTypeRecordName" : "Collections", "CalendarDetailName" : "", "CalendarDetailMessage" : "", "CalendarDetailStatus" : "" }, { "Calendarid" : "09fdd6c5-4b90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "CalendarName" : "Schools", "CalendarType" : { "Id" : "aaace56f-4b90-e811-a963-000d3a199795", "Name" : "Schools" }, "IconUrl" : "https://www1.nyc.gov/portal/apps/311_images/ico-school.png", "SaturdayContentFormat" : "Public schools are not in session.", "SaturdayRecordName" : "NOT IN SESSION", "SundayContentFormat" : "Public schools are not in session.", "SundayRecordName" : "NOT IN SESSION", "WeekDayContentFormat" : "Public schools are open.", "WeekDayRecordName" : "OPEN", "CalendarTypeRecordName" : "Schools", "CalendarDetailName" : "", "CalendarDetailMessage" : "", "CalendarDetailStatus" : "" } ] }